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Your lady can’t stand being alone, she needs a company. Someone who will take care of her and will share her dreams.

So, how to help her find a boyfriend and what are the benefits of having a boyfriend? 

Go to the City > Clubs

If you are new to the game the only club available to you will be the Pulse Club but there are find 5 clubs in total and in each club you will find 5 boyfriends of different professions.

You must reach a certain level to unlock other clubs. 


Click on the Pulse club to see the information about the boyfriends of the club and choose with which one you want to flirt.

Each boyfriend gives a +% to 1 out of 5 skills of your lady. Loyalty is not included

Higher leveled clubs & boyfriends give you more bonus .


75% 1.PNG
  • PULSE (Sportsmen)  - gives 10% increase in a particular Popularity skill

  • STARS (Men in fashion)  - gives 15% increase in a particular Popularity skill

  • BURN (Men in uniforms)  - gives 20% increase in a particular Popularity skill

  • ROCK & ROLL (Scientists)  - gives 25% increase in a particular Popularity skill

  • ESSENCE (Artists)  - gives 30% increase in a particular Popularity skill

Once you get a boyfriend click on My Lady > Boyfriend to see the information of your current boyfriend, how many days you have been dating and his status. There are several action you have to perform in order to keep him satisfied. 

  •  KISS 

All you have to do is to click on the kiss icon.  

A countdown will begin showing you the time until the next available kiss.

You can kiss your boyfriend again after 8 hours but if you don't show up to kiss him after 8 hours his happiness is going to decrease. 

Kissing your boyfriend gives 1 heart for affection and 5 happiness points. 

Collect hearts and fill the affection bar to win a gift. Those gifts are necessary to get 3 special outfits from each club. 

  •  CALL 

Click on the phone icon. A countdown will begin showing you the time until the next available call.

You can call your boyfriend again after 4 hours but if you don't show up to call him again after 4 hours his happiness is going to decrease.

Calling your boyfriends gives 5 happiness points.

  • DATE

Click on the date icon and you will see that there are three types of dates available.

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