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When you have collected all gifts from all the boyfriends from every club then, whichever is your last boyfriend will propose to you as soon as you perform any action with him such as kiss, call, date, send gifts.

Keep in mind though that the appearance of your boyfriend will not be the same. Click on the Fiance Comparison in order to select a better Fiance.

The proposal will look like this.

When you accept it you will get engaged

and you will have a fiance. 

Once you are engaged the fiance can not be changed.

If you feel like not accepting the proposal from your current boyfriend and want someone else to be your fiance you can simply reject the proposal and go to the All Boyfriends section to flirt with the one you want as your fiance. 

He will become your new boyfriend and as soon as you perform any action with him he will propose you.


Now inside my Lady section you will find My Fiance instead of Boyfriend.


Click on My Fiance to see all the information about him. You can rename your fiance for 50 emeralds or diamonds.

He gives you 10% bonus to all popularity skills, except Loyalty.

To get 10% of this bonus you should always keep him happy.

Note that you fiance will not break up with you if his happiness drops to 0. 


The actions you can perform with your Fiance are still the same however there is no break up option, the dates are now more expensive and sending gifts to your fiance gives happiness points instead of hearts.


There is an extra space in your wardrobe and beauty salon for your Fiance.

You can either click on My Lady > Fiance and choose one of the two options below or go directly in your wardrobe or the beauty salon and click on the male icon to switch between your lady and fiance.


After all the dates and kisses and gifts you have spent with your boyfriends you might feel like it is time for your lady to settle down. But how can you do that and what happens next? 

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