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Lady clubs give you the opportunity to play in a team with other ladies and find more friends in the game!

Take advantage of all the benefits of being in a club and develop faster in the game.

To become part of a Lady club Click on Lady Clubs and you will see that you have two options.


  • You can create your own club for 300 emeralds or 30 diamonds. 

By creating a club you will automatically become the President of the club, as a president you can promote as many of your club members as you want to vice-presidents. You can also resign your “president” position, but you must give this role to another club member because there cannot be a Lady club without a president and every club can have only one president. 

  • You can apply for an already existing club.

If you choose this option all you have to do is to find the Lady club you want to join and send your application, then wait for the president to accept your application. You can apply to join as many Lady clubs as you want, but once one of your applications is approved, all your active applications become unavailable. When you join a Lady club your role is “member”. Later on, if you prove yourself a good club member, the president could promote you to a vice-president so you could help in the Lady club development.


There are 3 ways to communicate with your club members.

  1. Click on the speech bubbles at the bottom right corner (chat) and you will find that there is an extra chatroom under your private messages. This is your club's chatroom that no one but club members can join.   

  2. Through the chat inside Lady Clubs. Although you and the members of your club probably will be using the club's chatroom you should also pay attention to this chat as well.  

  3. Club messages. Do not spam your club messages and always remember to read them, usually the President or Vice Presidents use this way to send important information.


To write and send a club message go to Lady clubs > Click Members > Club messages

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